Dear Imagination Vent Team-
I want to say
thank you from the bottom of my heart for stepping up to master the next mysterious and ambitious endeavor of your time.
I feel that this team's potential is going to
blow the lid off Kickstarter when this campaign goes live in March 2014.
It is with the
warmest regards that I can not thank you enough for stepping up to the plate to take on the sole Art Direction position. Undertaking one your your largest titles to date to pour your beautiful talents into.
Dear AnthonyC and BrianW,
I know that you have both been looking for that light "in the crack" of the mountain for your opportunity to display your programming prowess, and I am thankful and heartily appreciate your dedication and quality to producing something so passionate and so ambitious that escapes words. You two fine gentlemen have a grand outlook ahead of you, and the team waits on the tip of sword as you continue to push out the largest programming developments over the next 30 days and beyond.
Thank you my dearest friend for answering my phone call at 2:30 AM in the morning to talk about job opportunities (sheds tear) its a pleasure and a honor to work alongside someone as dedicated and seasoned in your trade.
Dear BrianV and MikeK,
You two are impeccable young men with a talented hand for designing 3D objects. It it with an excited eye I laid waste to the Graphics forum(s) to see what grand new models you were hard at work forming.
I'm wildly appreciative of your ever searching eye for quality and wisdom. Its truly jarring to hear my secretary say that we had a talented candidate from oversea's apply, and I am so glad we had the opportunity to mutually join together for this tile. Its with the most endearing warmth I say, can't wait to meet you this summer and go with you to CiCis Pizza Buffet. KevinJ is permanently hooked on the restaurant and with great esteem it will be profitable to both parties to meet-up and discuss game design. You will have your Master's Degree in no time my friend, continue to push yourself and your future is bright...
Going to give you a huge hug buddy when my hands are not fully with drinking glasses like last week, chuckles. Thank you for your conversation last week it was point-ant and intimately enlightening to be able to chat with another individual on a higher level than normal mundane banter.
I am holding you to you insanely ambitious word for Bionic Fighters having GOTY soundtrack for 2015!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for painstakingly collaborate with me over 2 years and a couple months defined and shaping TGC Heroes back in the day. Its a huge advancement to posses your skills on this team as a Programming Adviser.
@everyone else-
Let's do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Closing thought. Everybody that supported Hyper Light Drifter said the sound track was
epic. It has been a great honor to meet and assist Connor Boycee with his tasks every time I had the opportunity to colloborate with him on my Saturday visits. Heck, you may not be a renowned composer
NOW but I can gurantee you with your solstice and diligent quality to your tracks you can easily mystify all with your epic and inspiring sound track for Bionic Fighters.
A wonderful toast from me to the team, and a vibrant high five coming at you from Connor's latest hit track here!->>
Music LinkSincerely,
Jared GingerichCreative Game Director/ Friend
Imagination Vent LLC